
The Government Continue to Supervise and Control the Pandemic Situation to Maintain Public Mobility and Economic Activities During Ramadan

04 Apr 2022 21:56



 The Government Continue to Supervise and Control the Pandemic Situation to Maintain Public Mobility and Economic Activities During Ramadan

Jakarta, April 4th, 2022

Entering the Ramadan of 1443 Hijri, the Government continues to implement the controlling strategy of Covid-19 pandemic to maintain the stability of the situation and conditions in various regions of Indonesia. Especially for the application of health protocols (prokes) for the Holy Month of Ramadan, in order to prevent a re-increase of Covid-19 cases in the middle of the downtrend in cases that continues to occur.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto in a press conference after the Limited Meeting of PPKM Evaluation at the Merdeka Palace, Monday (4/4), said that Indonesia's Effective Case Reproduction number (Rt) has improve in all islands. The National Rt in the past week was recorded to have fallen to 1.00 from 1.02 when compared to the previous week, it means that the rate of transmission of Covid-19 were under control. For regions outside Java-Bali, the detail of the Rt from highest to lowest is Maluku (1.02), Nusa Tenggara (1.01), Papua (1.01), Kalimantan (1.00), Sulawesi (1.00), and Sumatra (1.00).

As of April 4th, 2022, there were 1,661 new cases, which decreased significantly by 97.4% from the highest number on February 16, 2022 of 64,718 cases. Active cases were recorded at 93,462 cases, which decreased 84.1% from the peak on February 24, 2022 of 586,113 cases. Meanwhile, there were 61 cases of death, which decreased 84.8% from the peak of deaths on March 8, 2022, which was 401 cases. This caused the Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) decrease from 3.27% to 2.58% in early February 2022.

Especially for outside Java-Bali, Daily Confirmation Cases also showed a decline. As of April 4, 2022, there were 399 cases or 24.0% of the national daily cases. Active Cases in regions outside Java and Bali as of April 4, 2022 were 35,771 cases or 38.3% of the national active cases.

Active Cases in several provinces are still quite high, but showing a downtrend in cases. There are two Provinces with the highest active cases, but the BOR is still adequate, and the Covid-19 Bed Conversion (TT) in hospitals is also low. Those two provinces are Papua Province with 12,066 cases, BOR = 9%, and Conversion = 18%, and Lampung with 9,005 cases, BOR = 7%, and Conversion = 23%.

"Since the hold of the Mandalika MotoGP, after the monitoring, in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) there has been no significant increase in cases and remains in Level 1 Community Transmission," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga. Active Cases in NTB Province as of April 3 were quite low at 161 cases, with a low BOR of 7% and TT Conversion rate in hospitals of 24%.

Progress of Vaccination Rate

Regarding the progress of vaccination, there are 2 provinces where the rate of Dose-1 Vaccination is still below 70%, namely West Papua and Papua. There are already 18 Provinces of Dose-2 Vaccination that have reached more than 70%, and 11 of them are outside Java-Bali. For Dose-3 Vaccination (booster), there are only 16 Provinces that have reached more than 10%, and 9 of them are outside Java-Bali. For Dose-1 and Dose-2, 3 provinces outside Java and Bali with the highest achievement were Riau Islands, East Kalimantan and NTB.

For the Dose-1 Elderly Vaccination, there are only 8 Provinces that have reached below 70%, and for the Dose-2 Elderly Vaccination, there are only 6 Provinces that have achieved more than 70% with 2 of them are located outside Java-Bali.

Update of Overseas Travelers (PPLN) Rules

For the arrival rules of Overseas Travelers (PPLN), most countries outside Indonesia require Complete Dose Vaccination, but doesn’t  require a PCR Test result and Negative Entry-Test. Some of the countries that require complete vaccination for travelers who want to enter their country are Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Australia and Saudi Arabia, while the UK does not require this regulation.

Meanwhile the countries that require the Negative PCR Test upon departure are Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, and Australia, while the UK and Saudi Arabia doesn’t require the same regulation. The Entry-Test Requirement upon arrival is not required to enter Singapore, the United States, Britain, Australia and Saudi Arabia, while Malaysia is still applying the Antigen Test to enter those countries.

Domestically, there will be relaxation of PPLN regulation in the Covid-19 Task Unit Circular Letter, according to the direction of the President and the results of today's Limited Meeting. The obligation to show a Negative PCR test result in the Country/Territory of Origin within 2 x 24 hours before Departure still applies. However, the obligation to show PCR Test on Arrival (Entry-Test) does not apply to all PPLN, and will only be applied to Covid -19 suspects, for example with fever symptoms and/or body temperature above 37.5ºC.

"The President also gave directions about the convenience of granting visit visa to Indonesia, regarding the expansion of the Visa on Arrival (VoA) policy for PPLN at all international airports in Indonesia, and the re-enactment of the Visa-Free facility policy for ASEAN countries," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

The Progress of National Economic Recovery (PEN) Budget Realization

The Budget Realization of the Covid-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery (PC-PEN) for the 2022, until April 1, 2022, amounted to Rp29.3 trillion or 6.4% of the allocation of Rp455.62 trillion. PC-PEN performance in this year was driven by the Community Protection cluster, Handling the Health Sector, especially for the Acceleration of Vaccination and Strengthening Economic Recovery in each region.

If viewed per Program Cluster, the details of the PC-PEN budget realization are:

  • Health Handling realization is Rp1.55 trillion (1.3% of allocation), especially for Tax Incentives of Vaccines and Medical Devices, and Covid-19 Handling through Funds Village.
  • Community Protection realization is Rp22.74 trillion (14.7% of allocation), especially for the Family Hope Program (PKH), Basic Food Cards, Pre-Employment Cards, Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for Village, and Street Vendors, Stalls, and Fishermen (PKLWN) Cash Assistance.
  • Strengthening Economic Recovery realization is Rp5.02 trillion (2.8% of allocation), especially for tourism, food, subsidies/Guarantee Fee (IJP) of The Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises (MSMEs), and Tax Incentives

"Based on the direction of the President, the Wage Subsidy Assistance Program (BSU) will continue to be finalized and given to 8.8 million workers with salaries of less than Rp3.5 million, and this will be announced soon," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

Also attending the press conference were Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, and Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin. (rep/dft/tam/fsr/hls)


Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
Susiwijono Moegiarso

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