
Ahead of the G20 Summit in Bali, the Sherpa Meeting in Yogyakarta Shows Significant Progress in the Preparation of the Leaders' Declaration

27 Sep 2022 18:20



Ahead of the G20 Summit in Bali, the Sherpa Meeting in Yogyakarta Shows Significant Progress in the Preparation of the Leaders' Declaration

Yogyakarta, September 27th 2022

The G20 Sherpa meeting in the 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency was held for the 3rd time and was held in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province on 27-29 September 2022. The G20 Sherpa meeting was held at a time when the world was still in a geopolitical atmosphere overshadowed by uncertainty, so many political dynamics that will more or less affect the course of various discussions at the Sherpa meeting.

Indonesia expresses its appreciation and gratitude for the support of all delegates in all meetings at various levels, both at the level of Working Groups, Engagement Groups, to Ministerial Level Meetings, to produce a more concrete outcome document. The journey of the Indonesian G20 Presidency will reach its final destination with the ratification of the Leaders' Declaration by Heads of State/Heads of Government at the G20 Summit in November 2022 in Bali.

The Sherpa meeting this time is very important and becomes a key meeting to produce productive discussions so that the support and agreement of all countries are needed to formulate the Leaders' Declaration draft. Co-Sherpa G20 Indonesia Edi Prio Pambudi emphasized that the goals to be achieved are common goals, and not individual goals or specific countries.

“I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the Sherpas present today. I am sure the upcoming discussions will be quite challenging, but our progress has been significant to move further towards the summit in November," said Co-Sherpa Edi Pambudi who is also the Deputy for International Economic Cooperation at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.

Co-Sherpa Edi Pambudi revealed that now is a very crucial moment in this year's G20 Presidency, especially during the discussion of the Leaders' Declaration draft, therefore essence and efficiency are the keys. "Speaking from an economic perspective, when a crisis occurs and we see there are weaknesses in the existing system, we have to try and fix them," added Co-Sherpa Edi Pambudi.

“Moreover, through declarations from our Leaders, let us give hope to the most vulnerable and needy among us. We can further demonstrate the G20's real contribution to economic recovery through tangible results, especially for developing countries," continued Co-Sherpa Edi Pambudi.

On the same occasion, Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono Moegiarso was also present at the opening session. The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs as Chair of the Joint Secretariat of the Sherpa Track and Finance Track is responsible for the needs and support for organizing the G20 Sherpa Meeting.

"We expect all of our participation and collaboration so that the summit can run smoothly. Currently, we are working together in a mutually beneficial situation and stronger collaboration to succeed in our commitment to overcome global challenges together," continued the Special Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Strengthening Priority Programs as Co-Sherpa of the G20 Indonesia Dian Triansyah Djani.

The G20 meeting was held in a hybrid manner at the Marriot Hotel Yogyakarta and was attended by 107 Delegates physically and 13 others attended virtually. Also present at the meeting were the Chairs of Working Groups under the coordination of the G20 Sherpas, to contribute to the initial preparation of the Leaders' Declaration draft.

Full support was also given by the DIY Provincial Government to the success of the 3rd G20 Sherpa Meeting. In particular, the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X warmly welcomed the G20 Sherpa Delegations at the Yogyakarta Palace and directly conveyed his support for the smooth implementation of this Sherpa Meeting, thus successfully completing the Leaders' Declaration draft which will be set at the G20 Summit in November 2022. (dep7/rep/map/fsr/hls)


Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
Susiwijono Moegiarso

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